Google has launched its latest application “Google Nose” on April fool’s Day 1st April 2013. Google Nose will allow users to search online through smelling.


Ministry of Information Technology Pakistan has decided to keep ban on Google’s video sharing site until the removal of anti Islamic film named as “Innocence of Muslims”



Detroit Electric has finally launched its first and state of the art worlds fastest totally electrically made car at Shanghai Auto Show today


World top favorite game GTA is soon launching its new series of GTA-5 (Grand Theft Auto-5). Many of its lovers are thinking that how will be its new design and interface? Some asking question that how (Grand Theft Auto-V) will be better than its previous versions.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Supreme Court of Pakistan warns media not to spread disinformation about 3G & 4G Auction.

Finally, Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered Pakistani Media not to mislead information about 3G & 4G auctions which are going to be announced on 23rd April 2014.

Decision was taken in a favor of the petition filled by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority chairman Mr. Ismail Shah. Chairman PTA said in his petition that some media channels and journalists are misreporting 3G and 4G auctions.

Supreme Court order was issued today on 19 April, 2014 by Justice Jawwad S. Khuwaja (Head of three member bench) at Islamabad. After favorable decision by Supreme Court, PTA chairman thanked to the court and told to media that mis-reporting and disinformation of 3g and 4G auction is not in favor of coming auction, so media should not use such words which could directly or indirectly affect auction.

Please Note that 3G & 4G wil be introduced in Pakistan first time on 23rd April 2014 at Islamabad. Media mis-information told us that no any foreign company qualifies for 3G & 4G auction. Only 4 Pakistani companies have registered themselves including Zong, Telenor, Mobilink and Ufone. Some Media Channels continuously airing breaking news that the news that Only 2 Pakistanis companies (Zong & Telenor) have submitted their applications for the auction.

Monday, March 24, 2014

BISP will provide entrepreneurial training for poor people

 Senator Anwar Baig, Chairman of BISP (Benazir Income Support Program) while addressing to the South-South learning forum on Monday addressed that, BISP is soon introducing a new platform which will provide well organized trainings and entrepreneurial suggestion for the betterment of poor people of Pakistan.

Senator Anwar Baig further explained that, this program will enhance the capabilities of young talented poor people who are finding new opportunities to start their own business or find a job. Our program will help poor people to find their suitable job in national as well as international markets, Senator told.

The Chairman said that Benazir Income Support Program is joining hands with different institutions across the country that can provide trainings to graduate poor people.

Senator Anwar Baig thanked to Brazilian Government and World Bank who provided such a great opportunity of learning from that forum. He was very much delighted to attend that ceremony and expressed his thoughts that he has learned many things from this forum including how to lessen poverty through social protection programs.

Mr. Anwar Baig further said that PM Nawaz Sharif has decided to double BISP program in coming financial year in order to help poor people of Pakistan as much as possible

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Discounted SMS and Calling Packages Banned in Pakistan

 Pakistan’s federal government recently took a decision of completely ban on cheap calling and SMS packages. Government says we have to save our youth on moral grounds at any cost. Therefore we have ordered mobile companies to cancel all cheap packages which are approximately free.

Free calling and SMS packages were highly popular among youth of Pakistan.

Previously, many Pakistani politicians from Punjab were talking against those free packages offered by mobile companies. They added that, these packages are destroying moral characters of Pakistani youth, so these packages should be banned permanently.

PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) told in press release that, starting from September 2, 2013, all mobile companies must cancel all discounted/cheap packages. This action was taken because of huge complains from Pakistani nation.

Camera Performance Leader Smartphone “Sony Xperia Z1”

Sony’s new smartphone Xperia Z1 has introduced yesturday. It has the highest camera resolutions which has boosted camera competitions in manufacturing of smartphones.

Xperia Z1 smart phone probably will be the leader due to its camera performance. Sony Corporation isvery much hopeful for the success of its new smart phone Sony Xperia Z1.

 Sony Corp. had been engaged in camera quailty innovations since its incorporation. Sony CEO Mr. Kazuo hirai told that Sony Corp. will continue in improving its smartphone’s functions in order to make Xperia Z1 a leader in smartphone industry.

 It should be noted that companies other than Sony Corp. has less quality camera functions. Sony is the leader in the field of camera performance and quality images.

 Sony Corporations CEO told that they will launch its new smartphone Xperia Z1 in winter in the county Japan but the price for Japanians are still not set. Sony Corporation is contineusly working on its camera performance in its smartphones. Sony is targeting the social media users to buy Xperia Z1 and take as many images as possible and post it to social media.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

TT – Ultra Quattro Concept introduced by Audi

World famous company Audi has finally launched a new generation TT-Ultra Quattro idea too smaller than other ones already available in the market.

The state of the art TT-Ultra Quattro conception has a new body shape with the use of carbon fiber. Audi new TT-Ultra Quattro concept has a state of the art beautiful design plus a slide of removable parts as well.

Audi new TT-Ultra Quattro concept has reduced too much size and body shape. TT-Ultra Quattro has the overall reduction more of at least 660 lbs and total weight is 2449 pounds, said Audi officials.

Audi new generation TT-Ultra Quattro main specifications are below;
  • TT-Ultra Quattro maximum speed will be 174 meters per hour
  • String glass unbreakable frame/design
  • Total weight of 2449 lbs. (660 lbs reduction as compared to old one)
  • 4 turbo cylinders (each of 2.0 liter)
  • TFSI turbo engine (which provides a maximum of 310 hp)
  • 295 lb torque production
  • State of the art new generation R8 GT seats
  • High definition compacted Cameras
  • Titanium tires and pipes

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet is coming to UK within May

Microsoft has announced that Surface Pro Tablet will be in the markets of United Kingdom within a week (in other words, before 1st June).  Microsoft has informed about the delay of arriving Surface Pro Flagship Tablet and stated that this hindrance was because of the delay in manufacturing concern.

Microsoft is going to going to introduce Microsoft Surface Pro and Microsoft Surface RT in UK very soon within the months of May and June 2013, said Mr. Brian Hall (General Manager –Microsoft Surface)

It should be noted that, Microsoft Surface Pro flagship tablet has reached in US 3 months ago but internationally it is not available in most of the developed countries like UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, France etc. unavailability of Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet is only because of its delay in manufacturing plant.

It should be noted that Microsoft has two products Microsoft Surface and Microsoft Surface Pro which are different from each others because of their specification and operating systems.  Microsoft Surface Pro is running on Windows 8 RT OS. Microsoft Surface Pro has state of the art new generation ARM processors which consumes very low power supply and speed up your tablet.

Microsoft launching New Xbox on 21 May 2013

This is really great news for Xbox lovers that Microsoft has recently announced to reveal its new version of Xbox on the day of 21 May, 2013 at its Xbox Campus in Washington DC.

The new Xbox will be a state of the art new generation platform for playing high definition quality games. Xbox is also a tool for free entertainment at home including television.  

Microsoft has announced to intimate a press conference that will be streamed live on its Xbox website. You can watch that press conference live via your Xbox (,com).

Microsoft has told in its latest blog that, we are going to provide a real taste of future by launching our new generation entertainment tool Xbox. After the launching of Xbox, Microsoft will also reveal some new blockbusters games for Xbox lovers.