Friday, April 18, 2014

Supreme Court of Pakistan warns media not to spread disinformation about 3G & 4G Auction.

Finally, Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered Pakistani Media not to mislead information about 3G & 4G auctions which are going to be announced on 23rd April 2014.

Decision was taken in a favor of the petition filled by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority chairman Mr. Ismail Shah. Chairman PTA said in his petition that some media channels and journalists are misreporting 3G and 4G auctions.

Supreme Court order was issued today on 19 April, 2014 by Justice Jawwad S. Khuwaja (Head of three member bench) at Islamabad. After favorable decision by Supreme Court, PTA chairman thanked to the court and told to media that mis-reporting and disinformation of 3g and 4G auction is not in favor of coming auction, so media should not use such words which could directly or indirectly affect auction.

Please Note that 3G & 4G wil be introduced in Pakistan first time on 23rd April 2014 at Islamabad. Media mis-information told us that no any foreign company qualifies for 3G & 4G auction. Only 4 Pakistani companies have registered themselves including Zong, Telenor, Mobilink and Ufone. Some Media Channels continuously airing breaking news that the news that Only 2 Pakistanis companies (Zong & Telenor) have submitted their applications for the auction.


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