Monday, February 25, 2013

Chinese Hackers are behind Recent Cyberattacks on US Economy and Security, Mandiant Report.

A security firm of USA Mandiant has shocked the world after publishing its report about the attacks of Chinese hackers on US economy and its security in couple of weeks before.

According to Mandiant (security firm) report which was published last week and consisted of 60 pages told that, the Chinese hackers has made a mind to demolish US economy and unfortunately Chinese government is doing nothing as they know everything about the hackers in China.

Mandiant blamed that, Chinese company APT1 is consists of many hackers working together from 6 years (started in 2006) and this group of hackers are being funded by Government of Chinese through People’s Liberation Army Unit No. 61398. I myself can’t say anything about this blame that whether it is true of just a source of pressuring China.

Mandiant further told the media that this group of hackers is working in Chinese popular city Shanghai and like a hidden snake for US economy and security of our nationals. He said there are more than 141 attacks identified on different US companies websites including intellectual property, security secrets and banks accounts of our nationals. Hackers are trying to steal secret data, business documents.

When this hacking was come into known to US officials they said that, we know who are behind this hacking and all the symbols and fingers are going towards China and its likely seems that Chinese Government is hidden behind this. Moreover they said that now it’s up to Obama that he must take some serious action against China and its hackers dangerously.
In last Mandiant report also pointed some necessary points for US government to take some actions seriously like
  • Make aware the people, organizations that not are conscious of the scope of this hacking.
  • Use full diplomacy actions to put pressure on Chine put down the process because enough is enough now.
  • All Politicians and citizens should be given information immediately that how to protect their websites and data before attacks works.

In short, Mandiant report is a wakeup call for whole USA, its economy and security. China is a hidden super power now and trying to demolish USA in order to become worlds no 1 super power. So, US have to be serious in this issue others it’s also come in my mind that China could start its war with hacking instead of weapon.
Best of Luck for United States and the peace for its nationals.


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