Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Opera going to inaugurate Award Ceremony for “Opera Magazine”

After failing to get a wider audience attention towards “Opera Magazine” issued last year, Opera has decided to inaugurate Award ceremony in London, said John Allison.

Opera Magazine was started in last year for the purpose of getting more and more public attention towards Opera and to provide latest updates and information in just one magazine. Unfortunately it failed to get huge audience. Don’t know what the matter with Opera Magazine was but can say that due to availability of many other wonderful magazines Opera Magazine failed to create goodwill in the minds of public.

Opera Magazine editor is John Allison. He said that our specialists and artists has put a long efforts and too hardworking but these are still not make out clearly in the minds of audience. Hence, we have decided to inaugurate award ceremony for Opera Magazine.

The pet projector and executive for Opera Advertisements Mr. Harry Hyman said in his recent interview that, we are hoping best for the awareness of our Opera Magazine with best possible and available budgets and human resources. We are hoping that this award ceremony will definitely leave a good image in the minds of audience as well our personnel.

Please keep in mind that Opera is already facing tuff financial problems and hence closed so many Opera Houses in America and this process is still continue. Opera Houses situated all over the world are highly facing budget problems and the employees are in panic, said Mr. John Allison (Editor of Opera Magazine) to a news agency.

Mr. Allison told me about the award ceremony and its detail that, Opera Magazine awards will have 23 categories. I would like to tell you some of them
  • Best Male Singer Award
  • Best Female Singer Award
  • Life time Achievement Award
  • Best Conductor Award
  • Best Opera (Company) Award
  • The Best Chorus Award

There will be many nominees (1500 expected) whom I don’t like to mention in this article because it could bother my readers. According to sources Opera Magazine’s has selected a panel of 10 experts who are given tasks to shortlist and select the successful nominees.

Opera fans are wishing to help Opera in getting their lost image especially for their Opera Magazine which was issued last year and flopped.  Now, it’s time to hope and we are wishing best of luck to Opera to get wider audience and make a strong image in the minds of public.
Keep visiting my blog for latest updates and news about Opera Magazine.


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