Saturday, February 16, 2013

Facebook is attacked with Malware & Data is theft by Chinese Hackers!

Facebook Employees laptops are hacked by a group of hackers in recent weeks, said by Facebook officials but they denied that any kind of Facebook data is theft by hackers.

On the other side, many of facebook users are facing problem while directing to Facebook. They are seeing an error when they try to connect Facebook from other sites. This is now a big and latest threat to any social networking site and unfortunately Facebook is continuously being attacked but facebook officials are denying of any theft of data why?

Facebook said none of its data is compromised in the attack, only a handful of employees laptops are infected with so called malware. Now, the question is that how much our privacy is being maintained by Facebook? Aren’t they failed to save privacy?

Another point to be noted is that, why Facebook passed too much time to announce the incident of attack? This arises so many questions in the minds of users! Its shows something is happening in dark but millions users don’t know anything.

It may be possible that data might have been theft from Facebook employees’ laptops and privacy agreement has been demolished by Facebook. Someone should deeply investigate this incident that whether data is theft or not. If yes, then how much data is compromised by hackers and what to do with Facebook if they failed to save users’ privacy?

A security specialist of that kind said, the attack was originated in China. Some other bloggers are talking about the point that why should not close your Facebook account because Facebook failed to protect users’ privacy. But, in my opinion that it’s not the main point to discuss immediately. This time we have right to know all detail about the incident and then we must take any action.

Facebook is continuously working on its privacy and protecting users’ data is their primary function. Facebook privacy statement is available at their official website; you can read their statement and agreement for better understanding.

In fact, malware attack on Facebook is a bad news for both Facebook and the users who have really something private detail of their lives. If private details of Facebook are hacked into via our emails and other web based content then it will be very tuff situation for Facebook to face.

Any website can be hacked which doesn’t have any strong anti-hacking systems and officials working 24 hours a day. This time Facebook is infected but we all know Facebook has highly experts for facing any kind of threat to their site. Now, we can only wish for best of luck to Facebook that it will comply with users’ needs and wants and will save privacy and private contents of all users


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