Monday, March 24, 2014

BISP will provide entrepreneurial training for poor people

 Senator Anwar Baig, Chairman of BISP (Benazir Income Support Program) while addressing to the South-South learning forum on Monday addressed that, BISP is soon introducing a new platform which will provide well organized trainings and entrepreneurial suggestion for the betterment of poor people of Pakistan.

Senator Anwar Baig further explained that, this program will enhance the capabilities of young talented poor people who are finding new opportunities to start their own business or find a job. Our program will help poor people to find their suitable job in national as well as international markets, Senator told.

The Chairman said that Benazir Income Support Program is joining hands with different institutions across the country that can provide trainings to graduate poor people.

Senator Anwar Baig thanked to Brazilian Government and World Bank who provided such a great opportunity of learning from that forum. He was very much delighted to attend that ceremony and expressed his thoughts that he has learned many things from this forum including how to lessen poverty through social protection programs.

Mr. Anwar Baig further said that PM Nawaz Sharif has decided to double BISP program in coming financial year in order to help poor people of Pakistan as much as possible


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