Google has launched its latest application “Google Nose” on April fool’s Day 1st April 2013. Google Nose will allow users to search online through smelling.


Ministry of Information Technology Pakistan has decided to keep ban on Google’s video sharing site until the removal of anti Islamic film named as “Innocence of Muslims”



Detroit Electric has finally launched its first and state of the art worlds fastest totally electrically made car at Shanghai Auto Show today


World top favorite game GTA is soon launching its new series of GTA-5 (Grand Theft Auto-5). Many of its lovers are thinking that how will be its new design and interface? Some asking question that how (Grand Theft Auto-V) will be better than its previous versions.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Will Porn be blocked in Iceland !

Iceland is the first western nation which is thinking of blocking porn sites in country told by advisor of interior minister if Iceland Mr. Halla Gunnarsdottir.

Iceland government said our public has sturdy harmony against porn site. Government is thinking to train youth not to see porn on internet. But, the problem is that how to motivate youth of Iceland against porn sites? We have highly specialists from all institutions of the country who are working harder for this purpose and this is very much serious issue now days in Iceland, said Mr. Halla Gunnarsdottir.

He further said, we are finding the best suitable ways and get the goal. If we can reach on the moon that how cannot achieve this goal on earth? Nothing is impossible so we are working day and nights for this reason and soon we will be succeed in saving our future of nation.

Decision taken by Iceland government is really surprises among western nations which are highly open minded and accept free rights for all. For this issue, Iceland government said that they are not against sex instead they are against violation made after watching porn. Our youth is plasticizing porn in as real as and when they watch porn which is very disgracing for the future of Iceland. Our mission is not anti-sex but it should be called as pacifist or peace lover. Porn is leaving vague impression on the minds of youth and they are doing illegal things including doing whatever shown on porn.

Iceland Government had made a committee on that issue and gave them the task to find out the best possible ways in order to put hate word for porn in the minds of young generation. And to block IP addresses of all porn sites working in Iceland and ban the use of credit cards on all Porn rated sites.

Iceland Government is now ready to put legislative law in parliament to ban porn in country but according to some strong sources, it has minimum chance of passing from parliament. On the other side Government is highly interested in passing this law. If failed to pass from parliament then it will find any other way to save the children from those porn sites.

Let’s see what’s happening in coming parliament’s sessions. Keep visiting for more articles.

BMW recollecting its 30,000 X5 SUVs Vehicles for Brake Repair

World’s famous automobile company of Germany BMW has recalled its all X5 SUVs model vehicles after many complaints of brake leaking.

According to sources BMW is going to repair approximately 30,000 X5 SUVs cars in the year 2013. These vehicles were sold from September 2006 to March 2010. BMW officials said in a press conference that leaking of oil is seemed in some vehicles which could influence brake system in a high speed. Moreover spokesperson said that, the affected X5 SUVs’ vacuum tube could be the reason of leakage of some oil into sluice and that could happen to failure of brake system. Therefore, we have taken the big decision of recalling of all X SUVs models of from 2006 to 2010 for repair purpose.

BMW told the media that this lose of brake system can lead to the crash of vehicle which is not acceptable at any cost for the sake and goodwill of the company, we care our clients so we decided to save life of each driver of X5 SUVs vehicles.

BMW will not cost a penny from the owners of such vehicles. Owners will be called for repair purpose and there vacuum tubes will be replaced with others new ones.

BMW is going to start repair from this month i.e. Feb 2013 and don’t know the exact time period that when will BMW finish repair of all 30,000 SUVs. Let’s hope for the best.
BMW had issued helpline for the owners of such vehicles for any immediate information. Owners can also contact via email address given by BMW. Phone and email address of BMW can be seen at official BMW site.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Opera going to inaugurate Award Ceremony for “Opera Magazine”

After failing to get a wider audience attention towards “Opera Magazine” issued last year, Opera has decided to inaugurate Award ceremony in London, said John Allison.

Opera Magazine was started in last year for the purpose of getting more and more public attention towards Opera and to provide latest updates and information in just one magazine. Unfortunately it failed to get huge audience. Don’t know what the matter with Opera Magazine was but can say that due to availability of many other wonderful magazines Opera Magazine failed to create goodwill in the minds of public.

Opera Magazine editor is John Allison. He said that our specialists and artists has put a long efforts and too hardworking but these are still not make out clearly in the minds of audience. Hence, we have decided to inaugurate award ceremony for Opera Magazine.

The pet projector and executive for Opera Advertisements Mr. Harry Hyman said in his recent interview that, we are hoping best for the awareness of our Opera Magazine with best possible and available budgets and human resources. We are hoping that this award ceremony will definitely leave a good image in the minds of audience as well our personnel.

Please keep in mind that Opera is already facing tuff financial problems and hence closed so many Opera Houses in America and this process is still continue. Opera Houses situated all over the world are highly facing budget problems and the employees are in panic, said Mr. John Allison (Editor of Opera Magazine) to a news agency.

Mr. Allison told me about the award ceremony and its detail that, Opera Magazine awards will have 23 categories. I would like to tell you some of them
  • Best Male Singer Award
  • Best Female Singer Award
  • Life time Achievement Award
  • Best Conductor Award
  • Best Opera (Company) Award
  • The Best Chorus Award

There will be many nominees (1500 expected) whom I don’t like to mention in this article because it could bother my readers. According to sources Opera Magazine’s has selected a panel of 10 experts who are given tasks to shortlist and select the successful nominees.

Opera fans are wishing to help Opera in getting their lost image especially for their Opera Magazine which was issued last year and flopped.  Now, it’s time to hope and we are wishing best of luck to Opera to get wider audience and make a strong image in the minds of public.
Keep visiting my blog for latest updates and news about Opera Magazine.

Ford cars under investigation for their engine problems

It a bad really bad news for Ford car maker company that several of their vehicles are facing problem due to engine issue problems raises by various consumers. Approximately 7million Ford cars are now under investigation of federal agency.

NHTSA is investigating the issue of engine problems. NHTSA is the short form of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Its duty is to look forward and continuously monitor various vehicles models that whether they fulfill the requirements of consumers and to run on a road.
NHTSA found some defects in Ford type cars like Ford Fusion, Ford Escape, SUVs and Ford Mercury Mariner. Some other issues are also seemed in Mercury Milan Sedan vehicles, said National Highway Traffic Safety Administration authority. These issues were seemed in Ford vehicles of the models of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Here, I am asking the question to the officials of NHTSA that where were you in previous years? Why you didn’t banned previous models and why you don’t take any legal action against Ford Company in years ago? These are question that must be asked to so call National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

NHTSA and Ford took actions against those vehicles when they receive more than 1500 complaints from their customers. When I asked the drivers of Ford cars they told that, the main problem with the engines is that the cars are going on shuffle when the car reached the speed limit of 20 miles per an hour which is really disgusting. Ford power heave are likely to happen as and when engine upheaval alters. When I researched about any crashes, injuries or death occurrence due to the extent of problem, I found that there were three to five injuries including one full crash of Ford car. No deaths occurred due to this issue.

According to strong sources, NHTSA and Ford are thinking of either freezing all the models or making any amendments in those engines in order to make a perfect one.
Ford Company has evoked all the model cars which i.e. models from 2009 to 2011 for any possible innovation and safety for consumers. This is the big reason that Ford has postponed making of new model for the year of 2013.
For any queries, complaints to this post kindly comments below and keep visiting for latest updates about Ford and its vehicles

Google and Apple are under Federal Trade Commission to fine penalty for Privacy violations.

United States government took strict actions against privacy violations of smart phones applications users, FTC (Federal trade Commission) fined the penalty to the  famous social networking company Path Inc $8 million ($800000) due to its violations of the user privacies.

My dear readers you don’t know there are so many companies and social networking sites which are playing with you like a ball. They are stealing your privacy and using it for some others reasons against their privacy statements. Most of the social networking sites users don’t like to read such a huge documents called User Agreement and Privacy statement. If you take some time please read it, there you can find that your privacy can not be used for any other purposes and will not be used by any third party. But unfortunately nobody is monitoring the sites that how truly are that true? How to know whether our privacy is used by third party or not? How to know that who among website officials and management is viewing and not stealing our data? This was the issue with only social networking site while, here is another point.

We use smart phones and we download various types of applications for and use it regularly. Everybody know most of the applications need to get access to some extent of your personal information before full using! So, this is the big technique used to get into user privacy. This really violates user agreements and the user doesn’t know anything that whets behind the screen.

My dear readers, you must know that in the field of smart phones 91% market share is the hand of Google and Apple!

FTC is now monitoring Google and Apple’s all applications which are offered with their smart phones. FTC is trying their best to find out that how much user privacy is violated by Google and Apple. Its might be possible that Google and Apple will be fined with huge penalty soon. This will be a good sign for consumers that after fines and penalties those all of companies will be aware of user agreements and privacy policies and will not let any further issue to raise due to use of their applications.

Now hope for the best, that new applications will be free of those issues. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Facebook won the case against Watchdog over Fake Names Using.

Germany is the only country in the world which has too much strict privacy policies for all the websites working there. That’s was the reason behind the case that they filled in a court in Berlin against Facebook.

Case was filled by Germany’s privacy maintaining organization named as Watchdog.

Watchdog in its case told the court that, Facebook has too many members and most of them are fake account holders. In other words they said that, Facebook is using faking names and this is really disturbing for our (German) nationals. This could lead to a fraud or any type of other harmful behaviors, hateful speech against people or country or violence etc.

Facebook is known to be a strict privacy holder in the field of social networking websites. Recently it has made its privacy with new demand and standards.

In the court, Facebook presented their opinion that Facebook is free and always will be for the people around the world. Facebook representative in the court told the Judge, We are very strict in case of found/ reported any kind of violence, threat, harmful behavior, hate speech, specially if account holder is fake and using fake name for someone else. Then the real person can report this (fake) account and we will take immediate actions against fake account holder. If any account is reported as fake then his/her account might be deactivated within 4-24 hours of time period.

So according to law, we are fulfilling our each member around the world. We see privacy very deeply and monitor it regularly. We have a highly professional team of monitoring for these activities twenty four hours a day, seven days of a week.

Moreover, Facebook representative presented some other documental records and data for its account holders.

Finally Judge announced the decision in favor of Facebook after hearing both parties.

Samsung’s cheapest Galaxy Camera Model with Wifi

Samsung Electronics, the name of cheapest and smartest cell phone and iPhone maker in the market. Samsung has announced to release its Galaxy Camera which is powered with Google’s operating system Android (leading operating system of cell phones in the market having 67% market share).

Samsung Galaxy Camera will soon will be available in the markets and hopes to get high attention of consumers, said Samsung officials.

According to my friends when I asked them about Samsung Galaxy Camera, one of my friend told it is very much wonderful state of the art camera with Wifi features. Another friend told that its touch features are just like natural and it feels so good while using camera. Samsung Galaxy Camera auto mode is awesome with super result pictures.

In addition, Samsung Galaxy Camera has following features;  3G & 4G model Hook
  • 21x perfect zoon camera lens
  •  High quality photos and videos capture ability
  • Android Operating System
  • Wifi features
  • Touch Screen like natural

 When I asked the company about the exact details of launching of camera they told it will be revealed soon and didn’t told me exact price too. I guess it could be within the range of $250 to $300 approximate. Let’s see and wait for the camera and keep visiting my blog for further latest info about Samsung Galaxy Camera.

Chinese Hackers are behind Recent Cyberattacks on US Economy and Security, Mandiant Report.

A security firm of USA Mandiant has shocked the world after publishing its report about the attacks of Chinese hackers on US economy and its security in couple of weeks before.

According to Mandiant (security firm) report which was published last week and consisted of 60 pages told that, the Chinese hackers has made a mind to demolish US economy and unfortunately Chinese government is doing nothing as they know everything about the hackers in China.

Mandiant blamed that, Chinese company APT1 is consists of many hackers working together from 6 years (started in 2006) and this group of hackers are being funded by Government of Chinese through People’s Liberation Army Unit No. 61398. I myself can’t say anything about this blame that whether it is true of just a source of pressuring China.

Mandiant further told the media that this group of hackers is working in Chinese popular city Shanghai and like a hidden snake for US economy and security of our nationals. He said there are more than 141 attacks identified on different US companies websites including intellectual property, security secrets and banks accounts of our nationals. Hackers are trying to steal secret data, business documents.

When this hacking was come into known to US officials they said that, we know who are behind this hacking and all the symbols and fingers are going towards China and its likely seems that Chinese Government is hidden behind this. Moreover they said that now it’s up to Obama that he must take some serious action against China and its hackers dangerously.
In last Mandiant report also pointed some necessary points for US government to take some actions seriously like
  • Make aware the people, organizations that not are conscious of the scope of this hacking.
  • Use full diplomacy actions to put pressure on Chine put down the process because enough is enough now.
  • All Politicians and citizens should be given information immediately that how to protect their websites and data before attacks works.

In short, Mandiant report is a wakeup call for whole USA, its economy and security. China is a hidden super power now and trying to demolish USA in order to become worlds no 1 super power. So, US have to be serious in this issue others it’s also come in my mind that China could start its war with hacking instead of weapon.
Best of Luck for United States and the peace for its nationals.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Facebook is attacked with Malware & Data is theft by Chinese Hackers!

Facebook Employees laptops are hacked by a group of hackers in recent weeks, said by Facebook officials but they denied that any kind of Facebook data is theft by hackers.

On the other side, many of facebook users are facing problem while directing to Facebook. They are seeing an error when they try to connect Facebook from other sites. This is now a big and latest threat to any social networking site and unfortunately Facebook is continuously being attacked but facebook officials are denying of any theft of data why?

Facebook said none of its data is compromised in the attack, only a handful of employees laptops are infected with so called malware. Now, the question is that how much our privacy is being maintained by Facebook? Aren’t they failed to save privacy?

Another point to be noted is that, why Facebook passed too much time to announce the incident of attack? This arises so many questions in the minds of users! Its shows something is happening in dark but millions users don’t know anything.

It may be possible that data might have been theft from Facebook employees’ laptops and privacy agreement has been demolished by Facebook. Someone should deeply investigate this incident that whether data is theft or not. If yes, then how much data is compromised by hackers and what to do with Facebook if they failed to save users’ privacy?

A security specialist of that kind said, the attack was originated in China. Some other bloggers are talking about the point that why should not close your Facebook account because Facebook failed to protect users’ privacy. But, in my opinion that it’s not the main point to discuss immediately. This time we have right to know all detail about the incident and then we must take any action.

Facebook is continuously working on its privacy and protecting users’ data is their primary function. Facebook privacy statement is available at their official website; you can read their statement and agreement for better understanding.

In fact, malware attack on Facebook is a bad news for both Facebook and the users who have really something private detail of their lives. If private details of Facebook are hacked into via our emails and other web based content then it will be very tuff situation for Facebook to face.

Any website can be hacked which doesn’t have any strong anti-hacking systems and officials working 24 hours a day. This time Facebook is infected but we all know Facebook has highly experts for facing any kind of threat to their site. Now, we can only wish for best of luck to Facebook that it will comply with users’ needs and wants and will save privacy and private contents of all users

Friday, February 15, 2013

Is the Lumia 920 going to revive Windows Phone?

Nokia Lumia 920 is considered as the one of the best windows phone handset in the market. According to media sources, Nokia Lumia 920 is a new generation windows phone. Nokia Lumia 920 has 1.5 GHz dual core processor which is a high speed processor. It has 1GB Ram that is good sign for Smartphone industry. Nokia Lumia 920 has LCD display of 4.5 Inches Screen (screen color and display is very nice). Nokia Lumia 920 supports High definition colors. Nokia Lumia 920 has 8.7 MP Camera with wonderful quality. Nokia Lumia 920 is a touch screen windows phone and its touch sensitivity is very fantastic and the screen dances on your touching.

Nokia Lumia 920 delivers fantastic and awesome performance at a time with different applications.
On the market side, Nokia Lumia 920 is considered to be the state of the art new generation phone but honestly, I am telling you that in today’s world competition has also improved and the difference you are hearing from others is not as huge as Nokia Lumia 920 is. Microsoft Boss Steve Ballmer has said after launching of Nokia Lumia 920 that, “the largest single opportunity is available for software developers today” is a sign of advertising of vision of 400m devices running Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 by this time next year. He further stated that the next application developer to hit is really; really big will be a developer on Nokia Lumia 920 types phones.

This is just like a dream that two big information technology companies (Microsoft and Nokia) must successfully through to developers. This is not only the factor that show both companies ambition towards smart phones like Nokia Lumia 920 but its one of the key pillars that will lead to more new smart phones and this create a huge competition which will be a better sign for consumers and market as well.

Nokia Lumia 920 has come with wireless charging feature but on the other hand if we see Nokia Lumia 920 according to camera improvements in the market then we can easily say that these technologies are not so advanced.

While comparing software qualities and quantities between Nokia Lumia 920 & Windows Phone, we can say that Nokia Lumia 920 falls short while Windows Phone is stylish and more responsive. In Nokia Lumia 920 the selection of particular application is a problem for users but the good sign is that it has many applications as compared to Windows Phone.

In short, Nokia Lumia 920 has wonderful features and specifications in it with plenty of applications but it slightly lacks some good things. There’s a lot of innovation in Nokia Lumia 920 but a number of small usability issues adds up to give users bad experience. We hope Nokia will innovate and improve these things but it will take some time. So, we should wait and see Nokia new future products.