Thursday, March 14, 2013

China is officially warned by US for its cybercrimes

US is now taking serious steps against cybercrimes of China and has officially warned Chinese Government on their repeatedly cyber attacks on US based website.

From the starting of new year 2013 many United States based famous companies’ website (including Facebook, Twitter, Apple, several Newspapers etc) were hacked through using different sources like malware, Trojan horses, virus or worms. Read my earlier article about the Chinese cyber attacks on different US based companies by a private US cyber security company “Mandiant”. Mandiant report showed that more than 150 US companies and famous institutions/organizations including Banks were hacked and data was theft secretly.

After facing several cyber attacks and had found their bases in China, US seems very serious towards this issue. A high senior White House official today warned china for its cyber crimes and said this is a new challenge for United States of America and this should be eliminated by talking to China. US official forces Chinese government to take necessary actions eliminating cyber attacks originated from China otherwise, it could harm US-China relations. Moreover, Tom Donilon (US security official) forced China to start serious talks with US about this issue.

On the other hand, Chinese government in their response to talks said that China is not behind those cyber attacks and questioned the validity and proof about the reports of Mandiant (Publicly Cyber Security Company of US). Mr. Hua Chunying (Spokesperson of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) said, China is always ready to talks but we strongly rejects and persisted that China is behind any attacks. He further said that, China believed in mutual respect and trust with rest of the world and we appreciate meaningful talks on any international platform or any country even US for cyber security issues and to maintain peace.

United States top officials are continuously blaming China over cyber attacks and hacking indirectly on different forums but they don’t blame China directly. Today US have officially forces China to overcome this issue and stop cyber crimes against US. Now information technology officials are in a hope that forcing China will be a good sign for betterment.

A high class security official of US said, we are aware of these attacks and we want to let know China about this and this is not a bad thing. Mandiant report was not published by government rather it came from a private organization that helped government to think seriously and hence, today government has officially forced china to talk on this issue.

Now, we can hope for the best and I am sure talking with China will really gives a good result. It might help in minimizing cyber attacks. Attacking companies and personal computers of different companies is a crime and this issue should be settled by other countries of the world before they got attacked. So be ready and make people ready to counter any possible attacks.

Keep visiting my blog for more latest updates about cyber attacks and the attackers.


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