Saturday, March 30, 2013

Windows Blue starting Screen same for all Windows 8 Powered Devices

Microsoft has announced launching of its new version of Windows operating system named as “Windows Blue” with some awesome and wonderful features. Windows Blue is offering same start screen for all devices (cell phones or PCs) powered with Windows 8.

Windows Blue will be more attractive to its users because of its same screen function for all devices. Especially this will help businessmen and job holders for finding the right applications or files on start screen whether at home or in office. Windows Blue is letting you to operate the same windows screen you left on one computer to another. This means, you will have access to all of your desktop files and data.

This will happen to those who have their online accounts on Microsoft. You have to log in first to have access to start screen in front of you. In other words, when you sing into your Microsoft account, you can see same start screen as you left last times while signed in. Without sign in no one can see starting screen of someone else. Users will have the options of turn on or off the setting for all other devices. Microsoft takes members privacy and security very seriously. 

Windows Blue was engineered and designed by Microsoft’s Supersite for Windows Mr. Paul Thurrott. Windows Blue this feature is called as Start Screen Synchronize.

Let me tell you what can be synchronized through using that feature of Windows Blue. So, listing is long, here I am informing you some major functions that can be performed by Start Screen Sync;
  • Synchronizing Desktop Tiles
  • Synchronizing Photos
  • Synchronizing Data History
  • Synchronizing any applications that user wants
  • Synchronizing desktop color themes or screen background
  • Synchronizing layout of users’ computer
  • Synchronizing links and files folders
Above all Synchronizing will allow users to see same start screen at any Windows 8 powered device after logged in their personal accounts at Microsoft.

Windows Blue is coming soon in markets to sale. Market analysts are saying that this will be modern windows with best of available features in it. Microsoft has also announced of adding new version of Internet Explorer-11 (IE 11) in Windows Blue. According to Mr. Paul Thurrott, Internet Explorer is coming with advanced supporting features of Windows 8 including swiping of websites from one to another horizontally. Swiping of websites from on to another will be for touch screen devices initially. Unfortunately, those users that don’t have touch screen devices can’t avail this feature.

Upgrading of IE-11 was due to high complains by users for Windows 8 different looks and interface of application in cell phones and desktop computers. 


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